Monday, 5 July 2010

The Toilet Arrangements in Pitmuxton

Even though they do live in the prosperous, aspirational, exclusive, prestigious West End (albeit on the 'wrong' side of Great Western Road), the residents of Pitmuxton still enjoy a nice relaxing movement in the outdoor privy.

It's good for the property prices, don'tcha know?


Anonymous said...

can anybody advise exactly where this is?

Key Stakeholder said...

It's in Pitmuxton!
Full details here:

Anonymous said...

thanks for that but it still doesn't tell me exactly where it is. i also live in the area and have done for 60+ years.

Key Stakeholder said...

Hi Anonymous,
I'd hesitate to give the address, as it's private property. But it's on a Bus-route and is visible to pedestrians from the street in fabulous downtown Pitmuxton.