Aberdeen Beach. Radioactive.
University of Embra School of GeosciencesThere is an unusally high level of radioactivity present on a section of Foot Dee [sic] beach along the high water line. This is caused predominantly by re-concentration by tides and waves of oilfield scale material discharged through a pipe near the harbour wall. The levels of radioactivity add about 7 per cent to the background dose for a normal individual adult, and that dose is received mainly by spending time on the beach. If a child eats sand, then their dose could be more significant. These levels of radioactivity can be permitted by interpretation of the UK regulations. However, Foot Dee beach radiation levels are well above the international recommendations desired, for the minimum planned public exposure. Remedial action recommended internationally is to provide information to people who may be affected. In this case, warning notices may be adequate. Such information enables people to modify their behaviour and greatly reduce their additional radiation dose.
This sounds bad, but 7% above background is really insignificant, especially on a beach where most people would only be exposed for a few hours a month, max. Much more significant in Aberdeen would be Radon exposure in granite houses, especially when underlain by fault systems reaching down deeper into the granite bedrock. Radon gets into your lungs and is a definite cancer risk. Easily reduced as a risk, by ventilation.
Yeah, the real concern with the particles at the beach is ingestion by children or pets. And then eating your children or pets.
Agree with the radon worry. We never feel comfortable in basements in Aberdeen.
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